09 September 2007

My Busy Summer

BookGirl says she's been very busy, so I haven't been able to get her to write for me. But I haven't had much time either. The summer is very busy for a mountain pup. For one thing, all of my friends are out during the day, so we spent a lot of time rumpusing ("rumpusing" is Steven's word. It's a good one, don't you think?).

And there are a lot of nice, big, juicy, twigs around for chewing. I don't like to rush, so I chew my twigs slowly. This takes a good, long time, since I usually make a little pile of them before I start.

Then there's my ice. I found a piece of ice once that fell from the ice dispenser in the refrigerator, and I liked it a lot. So now I like to have ice every night during the summer. BG puts some ice cubes in a little dish for me, and I get them one a time. They're nice and cool when it's been a hot day and I've been rumpusing.

I've been on lots of car trips this summer too. Last week we had a long car ride to pick up BG's mother. Her name is abuela (that's what Alicia called her when she and Alicia were here together last summer). BG says it means "grandmother" in Spanish (whatever that is). She likes to tickle me behind the ears, which I really like. When Alicia was here a few weeks ago (she's back at her other home now), she wanted me to play with her, and I bet abuela will want me to play with her too, so I have to find the time for that somehow.

Sometimes I get to talk on the telephone. That's the little black brick in the picture that Steven is holding next to my ear. Well, I don't really talk. I listen mostly. Steven is letting me listen to Alicia. When Steven goes away, I get to listen to him when he calls too. I can tell when BG is talking to him, so I run up onto her lap. And when BG goes away, I do the same thing with Steven when he talks to her. I'm not always sure what they're saying, but I like to hear the sounds of their voices.

I hope the fall is a little quieter, but I don't know...

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