06 October 2007

We're Famous!

This has for sure been the best summer ever! I've done a lot of romping and playing with my friends, I've gone for lots of long walks, and I've even gotten to go to the airport a few times. One of the most exciting things, 'though, is that Steven and I got our picture in the newspaper! Steven and BookGirl always talk a lot about me, of course -- I am a Shih Tzu, after all -- but mostly to their friends. Now, though, I bet that EVERYBODY knows about me, don't you think?

For a while there was a note in the newspaper that asked people who thought that they looked like their pets to send in their photos. BG always says that Steven and I look alike, and she showed us a picture of us that she wanted to send to the paper. I said OK! right away, but Steven had to think about it a little before he said 'yes.' But finally he did (thank goodness) and BG sent in the picture. I asked Steven to look for our picture every day, because I was sure that the people at the newspaper would love it as much as we did.

Finally -- we had to wait a long time, but I didn't forget -- there was a big story called "Look-alike Pals" in the newspaper. And guess whose picture was in the story? Yes, you guessed it! It was our picture! There were pictures of other people and their pets, but I thought that we looked the most alike, and we were the best looking pair for sure. Everybody in the neighborhood told us they'd seen the story, and BG's art friends mentioned it, and I told my dog friends -- Shorty, and Bella, and Star, and Zoe, and Trixie, and Buster, and J.R. -- all about it. BG says we're famous now.

The picture at the top is the one that was in the newspaper, and here's another one of me and Steven that I like. And the last one is one of me and BG. She looks only a tiny bit like me, 'though. I think I'll ask Steven and BG to take me downtown soon and see if anybody recognizes me.

1 comment:

Riverlark said...

Twiggy, you and Steven *do* look alike. I'm glad the paper had enough sense to see that. And you certainly deserve to be famous.
As much as I love Bella, I hope I don't look like her, or even my first dog. Though Bella and I both have blue eyes.....hmm.....
It was so nice to see BG's picture as well! Tell her I miss her!